Finally, I've figured out what to say now.
I've known Newgrounds as far back as 2005, back then when times were simpler. I used to come here to play flash games all the time after school, and also lurk around in the art portal for anything "favorable".
I've recently began getting into drawing, specifically NSFW pinup art of the hardcore kind, but hadn't had the courage to post anywhere else. After spending nearly 2 years posting internally within among closed circles out of fear of uncertainty I am now confident enough to start venturing out. Now that I've made some improvements (so I am told) to my ability, I've began to venture out onto the internet with my own set of works, and Newgrounds is where I'll begin before eventually expanding to other wider platforms.
That being said, I pride myself as a NSFW-capable artist, and tend to be somewhat insufferable for it. Nonetheless, I still intend to be on the lookout for new contacts to make and new places to reach. Newgrounds may not be a very fast place to start with, given how slow things have gotten over the years. But it's still worth a try, seeing that if I'm going to start somewhere, it might as well be here. The recent influx of NSFW artists coming here as refugees from the Tumblr purges probably helps matters on my side.
I post my works in version sets. Usually about one set of uploads a week at least. If you see something I've made that you like, don't hesitate to rate and comment or critique. That minor something you say might actually help start major improvements later for all you know!